
Can you be single and happy?

This question was posed to me recently by a friend and my instant response was HELL YES! When you're happy and in flow doing something meaningful that you're passionate about, that's when you attract Mr Right. The passion is HOT! I heard someone say this recently and I couldn't agree more. The trouble is, I see many women spending unbelievable amounts of energy endlessly seeking the perfect relationship rather than spending their time on figuring out who they are, what their purpose is and what sort of impact they can make in the world. Because being in a relationship means they’re part of The Club. They're now ‘good enough’ because they found someone to love them. Nothing is wrong with them after all.

Does being in a relationship equal happiness though?

When I come across women in unhappy relationships who are too scared to be on their own or who desperately wanted a baby, I'm reminded what a gift it is when you are single.There are endless opportunities to explore the depths of your own soul and find your happiness within without the added pressure of a relationship or children.So here's my secret recipe for happiness that has nothing to do with a partner.

1. Let go of the past

Quite simply - holding onto past relationships or experiences blocks you from attracting new ones. Resentment is like drinking your own poison. By replaying the old stories you continue to experience them and hurt yourself over and over again.

2. Do something meaningful

When you focus your life on helping others by providing something that is aligned to your Gifts, you get into flow. This creates a new level of meaning and purpose in your life independent from your relationship.

3. Have a love affair with yourself

The love you feel for yourself is directly proportionate to the amount of love you experience 'out there' in your external environment. No love for self, no love out there showing up. Lose that negative self talk and have a love affair with yourself instead.

Don't let your mind trick you into defining your worth and happiness based on someone else.

Thinking that you can only be happy when you're in a relationship will lead you down a rabbit hole.What you'll find is that you'll get a partner and you still won't be happy because you never learned to be content with what you have right now, who you are and where you are.Focus on that instead and see what happens. Celebrate your singledom and watch how you magnify your maximum attraction zone.Let me know how you go!

With love,

Sarah xo
