
The 3 Levels of Resonance For Soul-Connection

I recently asked myself the question Am I just emotionally attached or is he really 'The One'?A month or so ago I decided to move to Melbourne and say goodbye to my BIG Love. It was a really hard decision and continues to be difficult as I grapple with my new life. It took a lot of courage to follow my intuition and go with my heart of hearts even though I was still in love with him. I knew we would hold each other back if we stayed together because we weren't at the same place on our journey. But my mind has been asking me how do I tell the difference between emotional attachment and a Soul Connection? After speaking to my Mentor, it was clear I needed to ask myself this first"Am I getting some need met by this person?"Because If I am, then that can be confusing as to whether we're having a soul-connection or I'm simply attached to having this person meet my needs. Different partners can meet our needs on various levels, but here are 3 that I consider to be the Keys. If you're resonating on all 3, you know you're having a Soul-Connection.

1. Physical

Having a strong physical connection with someone is crucial for a lasting relationship. When times get tough, your burning desire for each other will bring you back together and keep you connected.

2. Emotional

We all have emotional needs to be met where we feel heard, understood, supported and appreciated. If our partner doesn't meet us on these levels, there will always be some frustration, disappointment or feeling of something missing.

3. Spiritual

This means you're moving on the path together. You're heading in the same direction, walking side by side on the journey throughout this lifetime. You share the same bigger vision in life which connects you on a deep level that binds you together. Having all 3 levels of resonance at the same time is something special. You might have noticed that you've experienced one or two with someone but are missing the 3rd.Note: don't get trapped into thinking that your Soul-Mate is the be all and end all. That's a huge amount of pressure on the relationship and neither of you will enjoy it.No one person can meet all our needs, so it's important that you cultivate a diverse range of relationships with friends, family, people in your hobbies, interests, passions or career to channel your energy into and get different things back.This will balance your energy and bring more to your relationship that you can share together with your partner.If you have a question or situation you're unsure of, drop me a note, I'd love to hear from you.

Big hugs,

Sarah xo


